CAB Training Resources
CAB Training Resources
Overnight Outdoor Training:
OOT Manual pg.14A - Fireplaces
Welcome Packet
Welcome Letter and Packing List* 2013
CAB Info:
Directions to CAB with Google Map
Handouts OOT:
Equipment List for Troop Camping
Camp Addisone Boyce
CAB Rules & Procedures 3/15/2010
Safety Activity Checkpoints:
Safety Activity Checkpoints - All
-Group Camping Safety Checkpoints
- Outdoor Cooking Safety Checkpoints
SU Camping On-Site Manager Manual
Camping Forms / Travel
Trip Notification (Out-of-Council, Overnight, Special Equipment) (3 weeks prior)
Adult Volunteer Agreement Form
Song Lyrics
CAB Songbook Index of songs on page 44.
Eight Basic Camping Skills Program
Eight Basic Skills-Leader’s Guide
GS Leader’s Troop Camping - Delaware-Raritan Council
Marti's Cookbook “Put the Outing Back in Scouting” excerpts only
Campfire Cookbook ( The Wilderness Society)
Philmont Country Cookbook (Boy Scouts)
ScoutMom Website - check out the Leader’s Lounge for ideas
“Red Balloon”
“On the Loose”
“Princess Pat”
OutdoorGS Email List
The outdoor enthusiasts for Rockland County have a Yahoo email list:
- It connects the volunteers and keeps them up to date for outdoor activities in Rockland.
- CAB information is exchanged on this list.
- Gail McBride, Camp and Program Manager for GSHH uses this list to ask for volunteers and announce changes in CAB programs.
If you would like to be on this list,
please email Jane Treubig
*Trainers’ Additions for Packing List:
Work Gloves
Day Pack
Compass (optional)
Jackknife (optional)