Outdoor Training


Camp Addisone Boyce has been the home of outdoor training for a long time.  It is a place where adults can learn skills and become comfortable in the out of doors.  They can then take this confidence and give their troop the chance to grow and become confident young women.


Click here for CAB Training Resources. 

Cabin Camping at CAB Training

About Beaver Meadow



Outdoor Training at CAB

Fishkin Shelter at Beaver Meadow

Side A

Side B

The Betty Parker Lodge was refurbished by generous donations of time and fund raising by the Stony Point Community.

Directions to CABhttp://janetreubig.com/mycab/My_CAB/Directions.html
Email Jane Treubig
My CABhttp://janetreubig.com/mycab/My_CAB/My_CAB.html