In the summer of 2005, I became the Assistant Director & Program Director of CAB’s Summer Day Camp. I moved up to be the Director for the summers of 2006-07.
I finally got to pick a camp name!! I decided on TallChief.
TallChief was chosen because:
1. I was tall and wanted to be in charge.
2 I canoed with the Kamikazes Kanoers and Native Americans are associated with canoes.
3.I grew up in Oklahoma and lived on Osage Street.
4.There are 2 Indian ballerinas from Oklahoma named Tallchief-Maria & Marjorie (I have met both), and since I was a ballerina--I took the name TallChief.
CAB Summer Day Camp
Staff 2007
Hiking socks tie-died by my different units. Beautiful!
Day Camp Units
Wonder Woods
Deer Run
Hi Tor
Covered Wagons
Overlook (Tipi)
Rocky Ledges
Green Trees
Mount Marines (Meadows)
Day Camp Directors
Marie Caffrey “Mom”
Gwen Tomlins “Show”
Pat Fickes ”Sticks”
Theresa Caffrey ’99
Kathy Plachy ’01
“Cookie” ’02
Donna Nye ’03-05 (Cash)
Jane Treubig ’06-07
Gail McBride ’08-13
Ruth Trovato ’14-