Girl Scouts
Girl Scout World:
 My Kamikaze 
CAB Day Camp
My TZ Community
GSCRC HistoryMy_Kamikaze.html

I was a Girl Scout in Oklahoma for a few years growing up.  I abandoned the program when dance consumed my life.  When my daughter was in the 5th grade, she joined a troop.  I was not an involved parent with the troop.  The leader, Laura Kelm, was quite capable and only asked for help occasionally.  I took adult outdoor training and was able to become a cabin mom. I helped with Winter Whirl II by being a cabin mom.  I eventually took over co-ordinating Winter Whirl II. When my daughter joined Kamikaze Kanoers in the seventh grade, she needed a ride up to practice 3 times a week for 2 months.  I had to wait the 3 hours of practice as it was too far to go home and back.  I was allowed to get into a canoe and to try canoeing.

Due to an auto accident, the Camp Administrator was laid up for over 6 months.  I joined the staff to fill the gap and organize troop camping and outdoor program at CAB. I am very thankful for my exposure to the outdoor life and enjoy Camp Addisone Boyce very much. It is a true gem.

Girl Scout Council of Rockland County (GSCRC)